Computers, Copiers, and Fax
Computers and More
We have 12 computers for public use: 8 upstairs and 4 on the main level for children’s use. We also provide laptops for checkout for Illinois library and United Township High School cardholders. Laptops can only be used inside the East Moline Public Library. We do not require a library card to access any of the computers, printing, copying, or faxing services.
Printing, Copying, and Faxing Costs:
Black & White Prints/Copies: $.10/per page
Color Prints/Copies: $.25/per page
Scan to email: FREE
Second Level: We have 8 public internet computers that are available during library hours. When patrons sign up for a computer, they are guaranteed two hours of time. Patrons may stay on longer only if no one else is waiting. Printing is available from all computers on the second level. Everyone who uses a library computer must follow the East Moline Library’s Internet and Computer Usage Policy.
Main level: We have 4 public internet computers for children that are available during library hours. Patrons are guaranteed two hours of time. If no other patrons are waiting, patrons may stay on longer. After school hours, patrons aged 12 and under receive priority for the main level computers. Printing is NOT available at these computers.
Laptops: We have a laptops available for checkout for ANY Illinois library cardholder and United Township High School Students. Laptops can only be used INSIDE the library during library hours. Patrons must have their Illinois Library Card or UTHS card to checkout a laptop. The laptops checkout for EIGHT (8) hours. The laptops cannot leave the East Moline Public Library, but can be used anywhere inside the library. Printing is also available from the laptops.
Copies: A black and white copier is available for public use upstairs. Color copying is available on the main level. Please ask Circulation Desk Staff about color copies.
Fax: The library has a fax machine. The fax number is (309) 755-3901. The fax machine can only send 15 pages at a time and unfortunately does not print a confirmation. Patrons can also use the library copier to scan documents to an email for free.