Borrow, Renew, Return
Borrow, Renew, Return
After signing up for a free library card, you can borrow materials from the East Moline Public Library and other Illinois libraries.
Didn’t find what you were looking for at East Moline Library? Search the PrairieCat system to check if other libraries have your item! Your local library has the ability to get library materials from neighboring libraries and libraries within our consortium.
After requesting an item from another library, your item will be delivered to the East Moline Library. You will receive an automated phone call or email to notify you that your item is available. Visit the front desk to receive your item!
If the item you are looking for is not available at any of the Illinois libraries that we partner with and you are an East Moline patron, the library has a free service to request items from libraries across the globe.
You must have an East Moline Public Library card to request items out of system here at EMPL. For questions and comments, you can call 309-755-9614 and ask for Mary or Mikayla, or email ill@eastmolinelibrary.org.
If you have items checked out and would like to renew them, you may call the automated phone renewal number at: 1-888-542-7259
Steps to renew:
1. Make sure you have your library card when you call.
2. Dial the toll free number and follow the steps.
3. Write down the due date.
Renewal will NOT go through if:
1. The account is delinquent or needs updated.
2. Items have holds for other patrons.
3. The item is billed.
4. The item has already been renewed beyond the allowed renewal amount (3 times).
5. The card being used to renew is different than the card used to check out the item.
You may also renew items online at: PrairieCat Catalog
Steps to renew:
1. Select “My Account” in the top right corner of your screen.
2. Enter your library card number.
3. Enter the last four digits of your library card number for you PIN.
4. Go to your Checkouts, select the item you’d like to renew, and hit the renew button at the top of your Checkouts list. Go to your Checkouts, select the item you’d like to renew, and hit the renew button at the top of your Checkouts list.
Return material to any Illinois Quad City area library or book drop. The East Moline Public Library has a drive-up book drop located on the North side of the building in the alley. There is also an internal bookdrop located in the Main South Entrance of the library. All material is due by the date indicated at time of checkout or renewal.
Fine Free
The East Moline Library has gone Fine Free. All current overdue late fines have been waived for East Moline library patrons. The library is fine free for ALL materials. If patrons do not return items, those patrons will be assessed a replacement fee and a manual block will be put on their card, preventing them from using their card at any eligible library and also preventing them from accessing e-content. If overdue materials are returned, the replacement fees are cleared from the patron’s account. The fine free policy DOES NOT apply to the following:
- Lost or Damaged Items
- Replacement Costs
The library does not accept replacement items in lieu of lost or damaged items. Replacement costs for lost or damaged items must be paid in cash, check, or with credit/debit card.